Saturday, November 19, 2011

"what's up? how you doin?"...

I had to work at the restaurant last night after work at the apartment. Afterwards, I ran to wal-mart to make a layaway payment so it was really late, around 1230 or so. On the way to the register, I spotted a magazine article about Kim Kardashian and I felt compelled to read it for some reason...guilty as charged lol. So, I propped up on an empty register and started flipping through the pages. After about five minutes I hear a "What's up? How you doin?" I turn to my side and there was a "gentleman" standing there. He looked so classy with his dreads, gold teeth (at least two), and belt around his knees. I responded "I'm fine, thank you," and then conversation started much to my dismay. Apparently it's ok for some people to hit on others while at wal-mart in the middle of the night. He was all like, " so seriously you are so hot." Ok, sir...I heard you. I guess this is a good time to show you what "sexy" looks like after a 15 hour work day...
yes...super sexy apparently. So, then he precedes to ask me the question I get at least three times a month...."You date black guys?" "Um....well....I'm a non-discriminatory dater." Back to reading the magazine...few awkward moments pass and then he says, "well we should go out then." I say, "I don't have time to date anyone but thank you." "No time?! You can take an hour or two to go get something to eat or something." Then I say, "Sorry, just not really into it." Then, just as I would expect such a catch of a man to say, he told me that he would love to get my number but he didn't have a phone. On top of that, he doesn't have a job. He's at wal-mart waiting on his friend to get off so he can take him home...because he doesn't have a car. Then, he asked me if I wasn't interested in dating anyone then maybe we could be friends and smoke together sometimes. REALLY?? I thought it was so sad when he said that like it was no big deal. He was like trippin out when I told him I don't smoke. That's good...I don't wanna fit in with that crowd anymore and especially douches like him. I guess my whole point is that men are still men. Why are you talking to me? Why are you STILL talking to me when I've made it very clear that I'm not interested. I wasn't wearing anything provocative, had no make-up on, and wasn't even talking to you or flirting with you. Yet, he still came and he still tried. So annoying.

So, on to today! After work today, a couple of friends and I are going to the Brandon Heath concert at a local church. He's a pretty popular Christian singer so it should be fun! I'm excited...craving my God time :)

1 comment:

  1. You're such a good writer! This post made me laugh out loud 2 or 3 times. Still so proud of you!!
