Friday, November 25, 2011


I drove into work from Alabama this morning so I had to leave Birmingham at around 430am and that drive SUCKED! I was so tired the whole way. Then, about 20 minutes before I arrived at work my boss texted me and said that one of the owners was coming to pick up some stuff for another property. So as soon as I got here, I had to get everything ready for that visit. Crazy day but at least job number 1 is almost over...about 45 minutes. Then, it's on to job number 2 but hopefully the tips will be good tonight. I'm counting on Black Friday shoppers to be craving Italian tonight :).

I was just sort of daydreaming on the way here this morning....just thinking about everything. Where my life used to be, where it is now, where I want it to be...a lot has changed, that's for sure. My dreams are bigger than they ever were but I'm not scared or doubting like I used to, I'm actually just anxious to get started! I'm so ready to go go go! I'm beyond stoked to see what God is gonna do with my full attention on Him. This week I pray that my priorities will stay on top and distractions will be minimal.

 I can feel Satan pulling harder lately. Old thoughts, habits, temptations, etc. keep popping up in my head...even more than before. I know that it's because he is absolutely trippin out that I'm over him and his lies.  He's won in the past but no longer. It's nice to be on the winning team this time around!

I was talking to my family over the Thanksgiving break about how much I really want to write a book about this whole experience. I want to share my story with anyone who wants to listen with an open heart.

Now remember....this picture is on about 4 hours of sleep and a loooong day!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you - you're doing great! (and I like that shirt!)
